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Obec Doľany


For nearly two centuries ago our national activist and local historian George Fándly at the beginning of one of his books wrote:

not honor citizen, that does not want to become familiar with the history of his homeland, when it knew. black: authorities osož, as much as you can, Speak to younger and young fathers on remembrance, skúmaj origins of his people and vases to its history.

In the spirit of this quote will help you to our Small Carpathian village Dolan.


The oldest written record of the bondage community (settlements) estate Cerveny Kamen is the 1390, when he was called Ottenthal, which translates from German Otto means valley or valley Ompitovo. The name was derived from the name of Emperor Otto II., He was later Slovakized to Ompital and by the end of 16., resp. early 17. century on the basis of written privileges granted by the Hungarian King Ferdinand II. He became famous market town at the head of the mayor and he was awarded the general seal. Already at that time, every year the village held several large fairs.


                               City ​​Tower

Doľany were originally German settlementsSlovaks began to settle here in the second half 16. century. On viticulture aimed town belonged to the Dominion of Fugger and later Pálffys. before half 18. century occurred in the village to change the ethnic proportions, when the Slovak-speaking population prevail. From this period they are already common documents held by the English and the town Ottenthal becomes Ompital.


          Tower and street in Dolan.

V 20. century building recovery occurs Dolian. The village is quickly growing territorially, the fastest throughout its history. In year 1948 the village was the decision of the Deputy of Interior of the Slovak Republic renamed Doľany.

Dolianski hasiči Obchod pri veži.

                     Dolianski hasiči                                        Shop at the Tower


Imprint of the municipal seal servile town Ompital, which became the basis for the coat of arms of the village Doľany, is the document of 20. December 1634.

The sign is the seal of St.. Leonard, saint - patron of the village, monk, monk in robes, Frenchman born in Aquitaine. In Ompitáli enjoys high esteem, a character which he built in Ompitálčania 15. century church. Since then they place in Ompitáli pilgrimage to the chapel, Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension. Is the patron saint of prisoners, Pastors and maternal, therefore it has the seal of the attributes of handcuffs and horseshoes. On dolianskom coat of arms, however, he holds the hands of two bunches of grapes as the main attribute of town Ompital.

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Doliansky historický chodník

The village


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