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Jur Palkovič (24. 4. 1763 – 21. 1. 1835)

Home Bible translation

one of the first major scientific personalities of modern Slovak history, significant patron and publisher of Slovak literature, translator, translator and publisher of the first Slovak translation of the Bible.

Jur Palkovič was born in Great Chlievany, but his parents came from Dolian, where also in 1774 moved back. Jur studied at the Piarist school in Jur, then in Trnava, further theology at Pazmaneum in Vienna and Bratislava. After his ordination as a priest in 1788 was chaplain in Štiavnické Bane and in Pezinok, Study prefect of the General Seminary in Bratislava and in Between 1800-1820 taught ethics and church law seminar in Trnava. For a year 1820, After moving chapter in Esztergom, She participated in that city until his death. During his lifetime he held high ecclesiastical rank, in year 1816 He became a canon of Esztergom, in year 1821 Komárňanské Evangelist and in 1825 St. Stephen provost. Died in Esztergom 21. 1. 1835.

Jur Palkovič has been a leading supporter Bernolak Slovak and as a generous patron supports many Slovak writers, especially poet John Holly. With the help of the archbishop of Esztergom Alexandra Rudnaya issued in years 1825 when 1827 in five volumes Bernolákov Slovak Dictionary, Czechia-Latin Germany Hungary, which he edited, He edited and supplemented.

Palkovič himself was active as a literary translator and his life's work was the translation of the whole Bible into Slovak Bernolak. This great work - Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament - after many years of work issued its own costs in two volumes in years 1829 a 1832. It's the first book edition of Bible translation in English! Size of this enterprise, excelling, when we realize, that the release of the next full translation of the Bible, already in the new Shir English, We had to wait until 1926, ie. nearly 100 years.

Date of insertion: 24. 2. 2023 11:48
Last updated on: 24. 2. 2023 12:03
Author: admin prevod

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