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Stefan Zloh (12. 9. 1910 – 9. 11. 1992)

Stefan Zloh (12. 9. 1910 – 9. 11. 1992)

missionary in China and Japan.

Stefan Zloh was born in Dolan. After grammar school years continued during 1932 – 1939 to study the philosophical-theological institute in Mödling near Vienna. Meanwhile, it was in 1938 ordained. After finishing his studies came as a missionary to China. He worked in šantunských mountains and in Anhui. In years 1947 – 1951 He was an associate professor at the Catholic University in Beijing. After the victory of the Communists was in 1951 confined, and tortured for more than a year imprisoned him along with other non-Chinese Christians expelled. In years 1952 a 1953 She treats prison health has deteriorated in Germany and England. Then again he went on a mission to Japan, where he performed in years 1953 – 1958.

Due to Zlochová knowledge of Asian culture and languages ​​it in 1958 commissioned a new task - to build a missionary Institute for African and Asian students in Vienna. Zloh therefore he left Japan and returned to Europe. After some years of work, 15. 11. 1959 he managed to open the Afro-Asian Institute, leading as Director. He worked in it until 1962, when he was appointed director of the College of St.. Paul in Munich, which initially served the African and Asian students and since 1976 students from Eastern Europe. In this position until retirement pension. He died in a charity home for priests in Beckov 9. 11. 1992. Rich and interesting life of Father Stephen Zlocha captures biographical book FU SHEN FU from Ompitála, which was published in 1993.

Date of insertion: 24. 2. 2023 11:51
Last updated on: 24. 2. 2023 12:04
Author: admin prevod

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