Doliansky native Vincent Lechovič after graduating from high school went on a two-year study of philosophy in Nitra and one year studying theology in Ruzomberok. For lack of professors retired in 1946 complete study in Rome, where he was also in 1949 ordained a priest. Very next year he went as a missionary to the Indonesian island of Flores, where he worked until 1979. In this year, while on holiday in Europe, He suffered a stroke and was paralyzed on the left side. This unfortunately ended his active missionary work and the rest of his life lived in the mission house St.. Gabriela in Mödling in Austria. There also died 24. 10. 1995.
During the missionary work has significantly contributed to the development of indigenous Timorese literature and music. Timor issued at its own cost nine publications in indigenous language and indonézčine. His last book are memories of Timor (1992), in which he describes its rich and interesting life from childhood until 1955.